
Un-inspiration: Considering Privilege, Oppression, and Victim Impact Through One Survivor’s Story

Survivors of sexual abuse are often held up as shining beacons of resilience. While the ability to heal and thrive after trauma is worthy of commendation, what's often missing is an acknowledgement of power, privilege, and oppression in survivorship. This lack of acknowledgement can lead to categorization of "good victims" and "bad victims." During this presentation, attendees will be challenged to consider the nuances of survivorship. The presenter will share, for the first time publicly, her journey of healing from childhood sexual abuse. She will also teach a mapping tool to help participants make empathic guesses to conceptualize victim impact and increase their skills in working with any Survivor, including those with marginalized identities. Participants will have opportunities for hands-on practice, as well as time for Q and A with the Survivor Presenter.