Gina Lopez
Gina joined CCASA in October 2018 as the Rural & Indigenous Communities Manager, a remote-work position. As part of the Programs Team with CCASA, she provides training, technical assistance, education and culturally-specific victim services discussions. A member and resident of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe in Towaoc, Colorado and had been the Program Coordinator for the Tribe’s first-ever tribal comprehensive victim services from late 2015 to 2018 supervising DV/SA and suicide prevention IHS grant programs. She is also a facilitator of NAUHZCASA (Navajo, Apache, Ute Hopi, Zuni Coalition Against Sexual Assault) that has existed 12 years through various facilitators. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice/Criminology from Metro State University of Denver. In her down time, she is a fierce aunty to many kiddos and young adults in her Tribal community roots.